Sunday, March 4, 2012

Obituary of Jane Jewkes Crowther from the Deseret News

The Manti Messenger, Friday 15 May 1896:   Jane Jewkes Crowther.   Died at Sanford, Conejos county, Colorado, Jane Jewkes Crowther, wife of Thomas Crowther, born at Kateshill Dudley, Worcestershire, England, April 2, 1832, baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints April 7, 1850 by Elder George Hill in the Tipton branch of the Birmingham conference, She emigrated to Utah in 1855 and was married to Thomas Crowther November 25th of the same year at Cedar City, Iron county, Utah.  From this place she moved with her husband in 1860 to Ephraim, Sanpete County, and in 1861 removed to Fountain Green of the same county, where she took a prominent part in the Relief Society, holding the office of first counselor to the president of that ward.  In 1890 she removed with her family to Sanford, Colorado, where she continued her labors, holding the office of second counselor to the president of the Relief Society of the San Luis Stake.   Sister Crowther was the mother of twelve children two of whom have gone before her. She leaves an aged husband, ten children, forty-nine grand children, one brother, one sister and a host of friends to mourn her loss.  She had been failing in health about eighteen months, but of late had appeared to be improving, and on May 1st was at a birthday party of one of her daughters. On the morning of May 2nd, Brother Crowther left her sleeping while he went out to feed his stock, being out about fifteen minutes, and on returning to the house found she had passed away apparently without a struggle. She had been a loving and devoted wife and mother and died in full faith of the Gospel, with the hope of a glorious resurrection.   May 4, at 10 a.m. the cortege went from the family residence to the meeting house where the services were conducted by Bishop Soren C. Berthelsen. Bishop Marcus Funk, Soren C. Berthelsen and Stake President Albert R. Smith were the speakers. The funeral was one of the largest ever seen in Sanford.  From the Deseret News.

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